Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Had to decorate my office a bit

There's this window right over my desk, with frosted glass... You can see it from out in the hall where there are some stairs.
Sent from my BlackBerry.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Had to put our cat Wembly down

Shitty morning, had to put our cat Wembly down today. It wasn't just a respiratory infection bothering her, she seems to have developed cancer in her sinus and/or skull… not entirely sure because we didn't want to put her through tests and surgery.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Google URL "decoration" sure is annoying, how do you turn it off?

Remember when you could search for stuff in Google, select something in the results and choose “Copy hyperlink” or whatever in your browser, then paste that URL into an email or whatever?
If you do it now, you get some massive Google URL so they can track you even better than usual.
For example, if I search for “CBC” on Google, I get this instead of http://cbc.ca/ (which is what the status bar says when you hover over the link):
Everything except http%3A%2F%2Fcbc.ca%2F is Google being nosier than normal.
 I thought logging in to my Google account would let me turn this off, but I can’t seem to find the option that controls it, if there is one.